Indeed, our lives are guided by faith, not by sight.
—II Corinthians 5:7 (God’s Word)
We are children of the Promise—God’s promise. Think of that! We trust in our heavenly Father, knowing we can focus our eyes (and hearts) on the blessed hope, the reward of the eternal, while looking ahead with joy to the great things God is doing right here in our world. Missions are thriving. Thousands each day are answering the call of Christ in many lands. God is at work in our lives and all around the world, friends.
When things look the darkest, the candle of Faith shines the brightest.
Also, let’s never forget those early "pilgrims" who paved the way for our American liberties more than two hundred years ago, this Fourth of July, and the many men and women who have given their lives, limbs, and minds willingly for those very freedoms.
I wish you and your family an inspiring Fourth!