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January '17

“I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.” —Ecclesiastes 2:13


As I ponder this brand, spankin’ new year 2017, instead of making a long list of resolutions, I’ve been thinking about making things easier for myself. So, I’m going with some basic and simple principles to live by.

For instance, this year, instead of looking too far into the future, (which I’ve been known to do!) I’d like to focus on living each day and not get so distracted by what’s coming up, including those dreaded writing deadlines.

I want to laugh at myself more, too. And, why not? Life’s too short to take things too seriously, right? I also want to run first to the Lord with my struggles…even the little ones. Especially the little ones which tend to pile up quickly and create a mountain. (Can you relate?)

In addition, I want to steer clear of negative influences and people, if at all possible…of course, with the measure of grace that such a task requires. And to emulate a positive attitude myself, as well.

Above all else, I want to live for Jesus…isn’t that what matters most?

Here’s to an inspiring New Year!

Beverly Lewis


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