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March '20

"I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you." - Isaiah 64:4


It’s far too easy to fall into the worry trap, isn’t it? We get so caught up in family concerns, health issues, political frustration, and more. But we know in our hearts, and from past experience, that it is our sovereign Lord who can always be counted on to carry us through the difficult, even challenging, times of our lives. Our trust and dependence upon Him is essential. And through it all, we learn to understand the plights and sufferings of others, as well, becoming a willing channel for blessing, which is why we’re here…to make a difference!

Wishing you an inspiring month ahead,

Beverly Lewis


Writing Update:

I’m awaiting the arrival of pre-galleys for my September novel, The Stone Wall, while writing the first draft of my Fall 2021 book…and while launching my “Amish Cheer” line of creative, 3-D cards with my artist sister, Barbara. These cards are connected to my Amish novels and research, and were created specifically to be a blessing to the giver and to the recipient! You can take a look at all of the cards at!


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