“A father is tender and kind to his children. In the same way, the LORD is tender and kind to those who have respect for Him.”
- Psalm 103:13
When our kids were little, I loved to watch Dave build Legos with them on the floor or compose hilarious songs at the piano for each of our three J's (Julie, Janie and Jonathan). Dave had several nicknames for each child (and for me, as well).
He dove for pennies with them at the local pool, and in the wintertime made snow creatures in the front yard for all to see. He taught our children not to fear “owies”—they were “buddies,” he told them as he wiped away their tears—and he gave names to each new chicken pox that popped out on the kids' bodies, much to their amazement. That Christmas, he helped me take care of all three children when they came down with the pox, one kid every few days! I even wrote a funny children's book, The Chicken Pox Panic, inspired by that very interesting Christmas!
My husband has always been patient and kind, and not just around our children, but around pets, too. Currently, our grand-pups get very excited to see Dave coming to visit, knowing they'll get lots of attention and possibly a treat.
Dave enjoyed making ordinary days extra special back when we started homeschooling our twins. During recess, he taught them all of his fancy basketball moves, as well as how to ride bikes and to skate. He taught Julie piano, coaching her through the city-wide Sonatina Festival where she won a beautiful trophy.
He encouraged Janie and Jon to develop their artistic skills, and drilled them on consonant and vowel sounds every day after their special school, teaching them to read way past the level of comprehension their tutor said they would be capable of learning. He also taught Julie the multiplication tables by linking to memorable (and comical) things, and she remembers all the fun involved to this very day. No drudgery in our house when it came to math!
One of Dave's favorite things to do was to play tricks on the kids, making Easter and Christmas all the more exciting by hiding goodie baskets (think chocolate bunnies!) and Christmas stockings in the most unexpected places.
My husband's tender heart toward our three Js, and Ariel, our granddaughter, is a reflection of the heavenly Father's love for us all.
During this month of Father's Day, and always, I'm grateful for Dave's exceptionally caring ways and his devotion and love for God and for our family.
I pray you have special memories surrounding the fathers in your life, dear friend.
With blessings and gratitude,
Beverly Lewis
The draft for my September 2022 novel is humming along beautifully, (may I say that?) and I'm excited to reveal the title later this summer. Stay tuned! I’m also excited to say that The Beginning is on track and on its way to the printer, ready for release day on September 7. I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am!
You will be so delighted with my new "Plain Pals" line of Amish Cheer cards (secure website: www.amishcheer.com) coming later this month. The Amish children from Old Windmill Farm in Lancaster County, PA featured are just adorable, you'll fall in love with them, too! Our Father’s Day card is perfect for this season as well.
Thanks for making these cards an encouragement to your family and friends—we appreciate your business!