"Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.’"
~ Genesis 1:29
"Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path."
~ Psalm 119:105
Happy New Year 2025!
With all its hope and anticipation, a brand new year has come once again. And for many of us, there are the so-called resolutions to be made . . . and then, quickly abandoned.
For myself, I look forward to continuing my habit of eating at least three types of fresh fruit each morning, as well as a large salad every noon. (Thanks to my husband, who created the magnificent salad pictured here!) I love tomatoes and chopped raw cauliflower, as well as black olives drained and soaked in water to lessen the sodium content. Yes, I’ve discovered there are clever ways to cut back on sodium intake.
Now, I realize the topic of healthy eating, regular exercise, and deep, restorative sleep may not be the most thrilling topic for a New Year’s blog. But let’s take a moment to ponder God’s earnest desire for us to be physically and mentally fit. And spiritually fit, too. After all, we want to be readily able to fulfill His calling in our lives. Being fit in every way possible gives us the ability to accomplish our life’s purpose with the energy and vitality we need, right?
As we know, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. And since we belong to our heavenly Father, it make sense to honor Him by eating the healthiest foods possible, making time to exercise, and by not burning the candle at both ends. And when it comes to our spiritual growth, feeding our souls daily with wisdom from God’s Word and talking to our Savior is every bit as essential.
I truly hope you’ll think about joining me in eating more fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, taking long walks (or getting on a treadmill and walking swiftly as I do several times a week), and embracing the peace and blessing of a good night’s sleep. Many of us will also be reading through the Bible again this year, so I know you are in the Word and praying consistently, as well.
Let’s be as strong and healthy as possible this year—physically, mentally and spiritually, dear friends!
Blessings for the start of the new year . . . and always,
—Beverly Lewis
1) I've been receiving many endearing comments about my new cookbook: The Beverly Lewis Amish Heritage Cookbook, 20th Anniversary Edition. It's exciting to hear that my readers made new side dishes and desserts from the cookbook for both Thanksgiving and Christmas! If you haven't ordered your copy, you can do so here:
2) I am currently working through the final read for The Christmas Housethis month, eager to share the amazing book cover with you very soon!
3) My sister, Barbara, and I have created three new cards for Valentine's Day--a "punny" fun card for the young ones (or young at heart), an elegant shutter-fold card and a teddy bear stand-up card. Place your order today, or see more about each uniquely hand-crafted card at our secure website: www.Amishcheer.com
3) I appreciate your sweet and thoughtful remarks about my many novels, including the recently-released cookbook. You really help make my writing life delightful, friends! May the New Year bring you good health, happy moments with family and friends, and a renewed sense of the joy of the Lord.