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February '25

"Do everything in love."

1 Corinthians 16:14 




My thoughtful husband sometimes whips up a delicious dinner for the two of us when I'm busy writing or for no reason at all—simply to demonstrate love. Recently, Dave made a surprise spaghetti dinner on the 11th anniversary of my father's heavenly Homegoing. Why? Because my dad loved to eat spaghetti when he lived with us, and it was a way for Dave and me to sit by candlelight and enjoy one of Dad’s favorite foods, all the while reminiscing about God’s call on his long life of ministry. (Dad was a pastor and a missionary for over 50 years.) 


No doubt you, too, have special ways to show thoughtfulness to the people in your life, besides the obvious ones, of course!


Last month, Dave and I spent New Year’s with several of my Kansas relatives, and knowing how fond they all are of cookies (a fondness I share), I stopped in at Eileen’s Colossal Cookies. I’ll admit I went a little wild and purchased a dozen each of peanut butter, cranberry oatmeal, oatmeal raisin . . . and chocolate chip cookies for a special treat. 


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After Dave's first bite following New Year’s Day dinner, he declared, “These cookies aren’t just a little good!” and we all agreed we had slipped into cookie heaven. 


This Valentine's Day, you might like to make one of the recipes from my Amish cookbook to surprise your honey or kids and grandkids. There are mouth-watering pies, cakes, cookies, and what Amish like to call dessert “bars” or “squares” found between pages 131 to 216 (a large section of the cookbook for a good reason!). A few of my personal favorites are the lemon bars, cream puffs, pineapple upside-down cake, vanilla pie, chocolate Christmas cookies, the sand tarts and snickerdoodles (like Ella Mae Zook’s), and peanut blossoms.


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On Valentine’s Day and every day, there are unique opportunities to show our love. And, remember, it’s often the simple things that are the most cherished: a sweet note tucked into a sock drawer or lunch box, an unexpected phone call (not a text, although they’re nice, too), a visit to a shut-in, a handmade gift of embroidery or pottery, or just telling someone who is ill or struggling otherwise that you are faithfully praying for them.


You might be surprised at how comforting and encouraging such tokens of love can be, and they don’t take a lot of imagination, really. Sharing kindness by giving of yourself and of your time can go a long way toward making a difference in someone’s life. In some cases, a world of difference.


Blessings and love,


—Beverly Lewis



1) I could not be more pleased (and wowed) by the cover for my book, The Christmas House, releasing this fall 2025! Here's a secret glimpse of the cover reveal, coming in next month's blog and newsletter. I hope you're as excited as I am!

 Beverly Lewis Amish Christmas Novella Cover Reveal 2

2 My sister, Barbara, and I are offering our unique and beautiful Valentine's cards through February 5, so take a moment to order yours for the special people in your life at: and we'll get your order mailed out immediately.

Valentine Cards 2


 3) So much gratitude goes out to my wonderful readers who make my writing life a delight. You are such an inspiration to me!


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