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April '21

“He is not here; for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."

- Matthew 28:6



Imagine being there with Mary Magdalene and the other women that long-ago morning, the day that changed the history of the world. Imagine mistaking Jesus for a gardener, so grief-stricken and preoccupied with the sorrowful task ahead. Imagine Jesus, the Resurrected Savior, calling Mary by name. And then witnessing the promise of Easter burst forth on Mary’s face as she recognized her risen Lord!

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What did Mary and the other women want to do first? What do we want to do after experiencing Christ’s incredible love? Let’s ponder that for a moment. Why would we want to keep such amazing joy to ourselves?

Oh, to think that He alone extends unmerited mercy and grace, and calls us by name. Out of the blackness of despair and death came life everlasting. Our hearts sing anew.

This Easter season, may we share the Good News to all who will listen. He is alive and lives eternally, praying to the Father for us, as we answer the call to make a difference in this world.

A most blessed Easter to you, dear friend!

Beverly Lewis


I’m thrilled to be writing the first draft of my stand-alone Amish novel for Fall 2022 currently, while awaiting the Final Pages (last read-through) for The Beginning, releasing September 7, 2021.

My Amish Cheer card line ( is expanding with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards, as well as Summer Birthday cards. See the exciting reveal April 8 on my Facebook page:

March '21

“You, LORD, are all I have, and You give me all I need; my future is in Your hands."

- Psalm 16:5



Sometimes my mind races at night, and I’m tempted to worry about Covid-related concerns or the state of our world. But I am quite relieved that we don’t have to fret about tomorrow. Why?

Because God is already there.

During this month of coming spring, what if we paid closer attention to the promises of Jesus…and to His wise leading? What if we totally followed Him, regardless of our own whims and wishes, or the news and social media? What if we actively looked for new beginnings, abandoning the negative and pushing ahead for the glory of God?

We could do all of the above, right?

And, too, we could commit ourselves to daily prayer, offering our praise and worship, for He lives in our praises. (God inhabits, dwells and is enthroned in our praises, according to Psalm 22:3).

Spring reminds us that after the dark, cold and seclusion of winter, there is the promise of extended light and warmth…and nature’s beckoning.

I’m so eager for the crocuses to burst forth into bloom, for the robin’s return, and for the soil to soften and the planting to begin, aren’t you?

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Let’s soak up not only the additional springtime sunlight, but also the beauty and characteristics of our dear Lord Jesus, and radiate His love and encouragement to broken hearts all around us.

Blessings abundant,

Beverly Lewis


With great delight, I unveil the NEW Amish Cheer cards - ready for Easter giving! They depict springtime joy and God’s creation. My backstory will give you a peek inside the age-old Easter traditions of the Lancaster County Amish, and the scripture verse will lift your heart (and your recipients'). Order here between now and March 28:

Easter Cheer cards 2 

 Spring Basket card

As for my writing, I’ve been formulating the synopsis for my Fall 2022 novel, also a standalone set in Lancaster County Amish farmland. Yes, I'm working that far ahead. 😊

February '21

“When they were filled, He said to His disciples, 'Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost.'"

- John 6:12



I've been reminiscing about the year 2020 prior to Covid-19, and decided to make a list of all the good things, the grace-filled moments, that blessed my life. Like you, I want to remember, just as our Lord instructed His disciples to gather up the fragments after the miraculous feeding of 5,000 hungry people along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The leftover morsels were as tasty as the first go-round, so why not save them for later? Who would want to toss out part of THAT miracle?

So, I welcome you to join me in documenting the wonderful thingsthe divine moments, the healings, God's hand of provision. And His peace.

Let's start with the people we love, and what a great time to do so with February being the month of love. Jot down the loving care others have shown you during this past difficult year. Don't forget to include the times you felt God's presence in a powerful way. And the little things, like seeing animal footprints in the snow; an unexpected letter or card in the mail from someone wanting to encourage you; or a passage in a book that seemed to pop out just for your eyes only. Or the prayer someone prayed for you over the phone or during a Zoom encounter that lifted your heart and made a difference in your day or week.


Count, too, the answers to prayer and the way God's Word raised your spirit to new heights.

And after we've written (or typed) as many "blessed fragments" as we can remember, let's close our notebooks and/or PCs/phones and thank our dear Lord Jesus for this special opportunity to be grateful for all we've enjoyed during the struggles and even trials, and for the blessings we will remember long past 2021.

None of us knows what this year will bring, or how much longer before the virus is eradicated by whatever meansman-made or by God Himselfbut we will gather up the fragments and retain the memory of the goodness and grace of our heavenly Father, while looking ahead to what He desires for us going forward. And look for the joy, no matter what.

Blessings abundant,

Beverly Lewis


Valentine's Giveaway from Amish Cheer! These cards will brighten a wintry day for your friends and family, and the Amish-related backstory is educational and fun. Place your order and receive your choice of two FREE "Valentine Barnyard" cards. This offer is good through February 7, 2021. Order here:

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My revisions for The Beginning (September 7 release) are finished. Now, I'm outlining my 2022 novel and excited about starting the actual writing soon. Meanwhile, I'm doing some interesting research. More on that later...

January '21

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

- James 1:2-4



We're all anxious for a fresh start after the struggles and losses of 2020, aren't we?

Some of us are broken-hearted over the loss of family members and friends to Covid-19, as well as to other diseases. Some of us are beyond dismayed at the loss of jobs and of support people at the workplace, and some are absolutely devastated, having lost everything built throughout the span of a lifetime.

As the verse above reveals, we have grown in the face of enormously difficult circumstances, learning and attempting to take mini-steps of trust. Many people have shared with me how their hunger for Scripture has deepened this past year. Many have embraced earnest prayer as a daily routine. Others say they would not trade this Covid-19-saturated year for anything. Why? Because they have experienced the presence of our Lord Jesus at every turn and come to depend wholly on Him.

I've been thinking: what if we could carry what we've learned into 2021? If so, would patience and compassion rise and rule? And, yes, trust, that most challenging of characteristics. When we can't see the future no matter how hard we try—through the dense fog of Covid-19 or any other formidable crisis—who can we turn to? Who do we most trust to lead us through the haze and maze of it all?

Isaiah 26:3-4 presents the resounding answer, actually a gift for the New Year and each new morning: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock."

I am so thankful for that Rock!

Abundant joy for the New Year,

Beverly Lewis


Valentine's Giveaway from Amish Cheer! Many of you have requested new Amish Cheer cards for the New Year. So, I'm offering 2 FREE Valentine cards (your choice from the NEW "Valentine Barnyard" cards) with one or more other orders of 5-pack purchases, including the NEW "Hearts Bouquet" card. This offer is good January 1 through February 7, 2021. Order here:

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My revisions for The Beginning, releasing in September 2021, are nearly complete now, and I'll begin brainstorming my 2022 novel next month. Both are stand-alone novels set in Lancaster County's Amish farmland. The Beginning takes place in beloved Hickory Hollow, featuring Ella Mae Zook (the Wise Woman, as you may recall).


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