"The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
~ Exodus 33:14
Recently, Dave and I took a vacation road trip across country. We stopped to visit dear relatives along the way and spent lots of time with our grown children, as well. We relaxed by going to a nearby zoo, taking photos of animals and the lush green flora, and picnicking near a waterfall and gurgling stream. We walked and talked, watched our adult kids have their faces and hands creatively painted, ate out, and, in general, had a delightful get-away from the routine of work.
I especially enjoyed showing my work-in-progress—a family heritage album—to our kids, who asked many questions, especially about my Old Order Mennonite great-grandparents and grandparents on my mother’s side. Having visited Lancaster County numerous times, they know the Plain culture well, of course, but talking about the shunning my grandmother Ada suffered has always been of keen interest through the years.
So, because of that, I had another opportunity to share the grace of God—how what was seemingly meant for harm ultimately became a blessing for Grandmother Ada, her future husband, and their children, grandchildren and beyond.
Taking time to simply be together has often led to curiosity and conversation during walks or by turning the pages of a family album together. Sometimes just being, without saying a word, is the closest two people who know and love each other well can be. And getting away from daily schedules and deadlines can also bring a measure of healing—a soothing of the mind and body. Going for long walks in the sunshine after days of clouds and rain, eating favorite Southern foods without the usual clean-up, enjoying live music with others, watching my grown children laugh and play together . . . this was the essence of a true vacation, indeed.
Now that my husband and I are home again, I’m ready to get back to reading through the revisions for The Christmas House, my next fiction work, coming in the fall of 2025.
But the restful days, and the joy they brought, still linger, reminding me that God’s Presence is ever with us, no matter where we are.
Blessings to you and to your family in the coming summer,
—Beverly Lewis
1) The Beverly Lewis Amish Heritage Cookbook, 20th Anniversary edition is available to preorder at:
Baker Book House (40% off + Free shipping)
2) NEW from my Amish Cheer card line! "Cherry on Top" and "Sweet Sprinkles" box cards are available for summertime cheer in our NOVELTY section! See all the views here: http://www.amishcheer.com/novelty
3) Thanks very much for your kind words and loyal support of my books and handcrafted Amish Cheer cards, friends. You bring me such joy!
"Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you."
~ Exodus 20:12
In thinking of Mother’s Day this month, I recall our Amish friends’ supper invitation some years ago and, while there, observing the two older daughters as they cooked up a feast for Dave and me. Several times while they peeled potatoes, made meatloaf, and cooked snap beans, I heard the girls say, “Mamm, you just rest and visit,” as they worked in the kitchen on her behalf.
This reminded me of growing up with my younger sister, Barbara, as we liked to make our own mother’s chores lighter, especially on Mother’s Day. It was a special way to honor her and show gratitude for all the things she did for Dad and for us around the house—things besides cleaning and cooking, such as drilling us girls on our multiplication tables, listening to our book report presentations and pieces for piano lessons, or as we recited Bible verses from memory. So, why couldn’t every day be one to honor our mother? Even as young children, Barbara and I made our own beds, redded up our shared bedroom, carried laundry downstairs, set the table, and helped wash and dry dishes on a daily basis. After all, God was so good to give us a kind and loving mother, one devoted to the Lord and to her family and, as a pastor’s wife, a caring partner in the ministry of the church.
My Mother
My dear mother has been with the Lord now these 18 years, yet her spiritual example and legacy lives on. She certainly knew how to pray, believing in God’s sovereign will and putting her complete trust in that, no matter the outcome—answered prayers or not. She loved her heavenly Father and lived out her love in service to Him and to others, even during the darkest days of her life, suffering with cancer for years until her healing finally came. Miraculous healing, yes.
To this day, I am so thankful for her long life and for the way she honored her own mother and father, claiming the promise of “a long, full life,” as the verse in Exodus states.
What tangible and intangible things can we give to our mothers this year in their honor? In so doing, may we also please our heavenly Father.
A blessed Mother’s Day to all the moms!
—Beverly Lewis
1) I’m working on the few revisions for The Christmas House, my next book, which releases in the fall of 2025. The story is set in modern-day Hickory Hollow with some lovely appearances from fan-favorite, Ella Mae Zook. More in the coming months on this exciting way to celebrate all things Christmas in Lancaster County’s Amish country!
2) For its 20th anniversary, my beautiful Amish cookbook has been updated for modern cooks and is available to preorder for 40% off + Free shipping at Baker Book House. Also, wherever books are sold:
3) A NEW card for springtime encouragement, friends from my sister, Barbara, and me: "Treasured Tulips" is 3-D and just lovely. Order yours at: http://www.amishcheer.com.
4) Thank you so very much for being such devoted reader-friends. I truly treasure each of you!
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted . . ."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
God’s green earth has re-awakened for a new season of life!
Amish farmers are looking ahead to planting potatoes in just a few days, and sowing seed for oats will come next. Fields are being tilled in preparation for planting corn the end of this month or early May, and families are fertilizing their kitchen gardens with barn manure in hope of a bountiful harvest.
“’Tis the season for new beginnings,” my Amish friends like to say. I wholeheartedly agree, ready to put the cold winds and snow of winter behind me.
The promise of spring is that, no matter how harsh or challenging the winter season may have been, spring always comes and with it, the joy of new life. The same is true after times of our own sadness and weeping: comfort and even laughter comes. After slogging through troubled waters comes the calm of peace.
I clearly remember all the years of yearning, preparing . . . and waiting before the time came to adopt. Oh, the joy of holding our baby Julie—a true blessing, indeed. And two and a half years later, two more gifts from God: newborn boy/girl twins—Jonathan and Janie!
Just as a caterpillar forms into a chrysalis over time and struggles to emerge as a beautiful butterfly, so someday we also will emerge reborn. Thankfully, even in the in-between times, Lamentations 3:22-23 assures us that God’s mercies are new for us every morning and will not come to an end.
May this month bring you the assurance of knowing our heavenly Father is with you. Not a few steps ahead, but beside you, no matter what season of life you may be experiencing.
Blessings for spring and always,
—Beverly Lewis
1) For its twentieth anniversary, my beautiful Amish cookbook has been updated for modern cooks and is available to preorder for 40% off + free shipping at Baker Book House or wherever books are sold:
2) I have completed the first draft of my Amish Christmas novella, releasing in fall 2025. Much more on that exciting book later.
3) NEW cards for Mother's Day are available to order now at our secure website: http://www.amishcheer.com
4) Thanks for being such a devoted reader-friend. I am so grateful!
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."
~ Ephesians 4:2
Did you notice all the ways to demonstrate love in Ephesians 4:2? Being humble, gentle, and patient are noted . . . as are going even further by making allowances for, or overlooking, each other’s faults.
My two besties for decades, Martha and Pam, passed away last year, six months apart in April and October, respectively. I love thinking back to the countless shared lunches, shopping for Christmas, singing in harmony, picnicking on the Fourth, and spending time together with our families over the years. Among the many distinct and wonderful attributes of both Martha and Pam were humility, gentleness, and patience.
I’ll never forget Martha’s amazing patience and consideration toward me through thirty years of my writing deadlines. Whenever she’d call, she immediately asked if I was in the middle of writing. Never, ever did she want to disturb me, even though I was always happy to talk with her, no matter what I was doing.
One spring, some years ago now, Pam dropped everything at home to fly to Florida for the last half of my book tour, joining my tour manager and me in place of a publicist who was ill. In a very short time, Pam learned what was expected of her and did it with grace and humility. Being a book lover and former librarian, she enjoyed interacting with the hundreds of you readers who loved meeting her.
What if, like Martha and Pam, we, too, embraced humility and gentleness with our family and friends? And patience, as well, which may be the most challenging characteristic of the three mentioned in this scripture verse.
During this month when we celebrate love, romantic or otherwise, let’s not forget our supreme role model, our Savior Jesus. If we practice loving others the way He loves, then we can surely become an everyday blessing to people all year long, and not just on Valentine’s Day.
Always thankful for your loving support and encouragement,
Blessings always,
—Beverly Lewis
1) The final proofing for The Beverly Lewis Amish Heritage Cookbook, 20th-Anniversary Edition, is nearly done. You will love the additional recipes and Amish sayings, kitchen tips, scripture verses, and.photographs from the Lewis Family Collection. This beautiful edition will be available this coming fall!
2) I’m already writing my fall 2025 book and loving everything about it. Hickory Hollow is the setting (surprised?), with Ella Mae Zook as one of the minor characters. I cannot wait to share more in the coming months!
3) During this month, my sister, Barbara, and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary with Amish Cheer cards! Look for special offers throughout all of February at: http://www.amishcheer.com. To get started we've enhanced our original "Simple Sentiments" cards by adding interior content pertaining to my featured photography. Enjoy!